Monday, May 3, 2010

Missonary Musings

I love freshly returned missionaries. I find their awkwardness endearing. This is not a new observation, we all know RMs who go through an adjustment period. Last night I had a bunch of people over from the ward to play games. (It was pretty fun; a lot of people came! It made me feel good that I was the instigator of such merriment; I'm trying to be better about inviting people over and playing the role of the hostess. It's somewhat out of my comfort zone. I love being with people, but I'm not very comfortable with being in charge and I like having boundaries or at least the option to leave whenever I want.)
Back to of the games we played was called "In the Manner of the Adverb." Basically, one person leaves the room and the rest of the group decides on an adverb (for example, "energetically"). When the person comes back into the room they pick a few people to act out a scenario "in the manner of the adverb" and try to guess what that adverb is. It can be pretty hilarious. One of the adverbs we chose was, in fact, awkwardly. At one point, one of the guys used the phrase "So I just got back from my mission..." which made everyone laugh. Ironically, this guys had just gotten back from his mission. He served stateside (not that it matters) and actually seemed fairly normal. It was his fascination with his i-phone that gave him away. Maybe this isn't just an RM thing-I know plenty of people who are obsessed with their i-phones. I just wonder that if these RMs, who have been somewhat out of the technological loop for two years, come home and are overly excited about the new gadgets and toys. It's kind of like how they are excited about songs or movies that have been out for a while.I know i-phones are useful, but personally I think that in many situations, they are unnecessary and annoying.
This is my attempt at blogging!
This will surely be random, but what blog isn't?